lunedì 10 novembre 2014

Art and memory

For the new friends English speaking, here you are the English version of our posts! :) 

I always had passion for art and history.
Since my boyhood, I worked with my hands in order to shape everything with different materials: modelling clay, paper, bread crumb.

Thirty years ago, I moved to Venice and now I work with glass, Muranese glass in particular, creating chandelliers and other pieces for important brands.

Now that I am almost sixty, I have decided to develop other projects. These projects can tell stories about forgotten traditions, art and crafts, cities always changing, migration.

I decided to write this thoughts on the web, not only thorugh my artworks, in order not to lose that excelent Italian tradition, in an Italy that nowadays seems like the country described by Dante in the VI canto of the Purgatory "Ahi serva Italia, di dolore ostello, nave sanza nocchiere in gran tempesta, non donna di province, ma bordello!" (the translation sounds like “ah, Italy you are a slave, like a boat without helmsman during a storm, not noble woman, but brothel”).
This is the reason why I decided to start this cycle of pieces realized on Murano Glass with the ancient tecniques called Venetian gold engraved.
The first collection is called TRACES and consists of maps of the XVIII sec. reprensenting the principal Veneto cities (Belluno, Mestre, Padova, Rovigo, Treviso, Venezia, Verona, Vicenza).
The exhibition is at the gallery 3D – Via Antonio da Mestre 31 - thanks to Adolfina De Stefani's and Gaetano Salerno's precious help.

But why maps? Why Traces?
I liked the concept. Traces are what is left of ancient time, before the Industrial Revolution that shocked our cities' urbanistic assets.
Traces are the memories of the polis, the archetipical city, and of its spaces where people built social, cultural, commercial and political relations. Today I walk in the same spaces, looking for a rescue of those traditions distinguishing us from the rest of the world.

So welcome to this virtual space! Here you can find my thoughts about my works, and many stories related to Venetian traditional crafts, landscapes...
I feel heir of an ancient tradition, but for me these are the first steps: it is like leaving but with the knowledge that you walked through thousand kilometers. But maybe this is the sense of becoming, of creating.

Enjoy your reading! 

Photo by Daniel Perazzone

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